
As a designer based in Northern California, I’ve developed a deep passion for the beauty and history of Hmong patterns. This site is dedicated to sharing the knowledge about these intricate designs, in both English and Hmong, so that future generations can understand the meaning behind the patterns.

My goal is to give back to the Hmong community and ensure that the incredible craft of our ancestors is appreciated, preserved, and passed down. This resource is for anyone seeking to learn and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Hmong textiles.

Raws li ib tug kws tsim qauv nyob rau sab qaum teb California, kuv tau tsim kev txaus siab rau kev zoo nkauj thiab keeb kwm ntawm cov qauv Hmoob. Lub vev xaib no tau mob siab rau kev sib tham txog kev paub txog cov qauv tsim zoo nkauj no, ua lus Askiv thiab lus Hmoob, kom cov neeg tiam tom ntej tuaj yeem nkag siab lub ntsiab lus tom qab cov qauv.

Kuv lub hom phiaj yog muab rov qab rau lub zej zog Hmoob thiab xyuas kom meej tias tej khoom siv tes ua zoo kawg nkaus ntawm peb cov poj koob yawm txwv tau txais txiaj ntsig, khaws cia, thiab dhau mus. Cov peev txheej no yog rau txhua tus uas nrhiav kev kawm thiab ua kev zoo siab rau cov cuab yeej cuab tam nplua nuj ntawm Hmong textiles.
